Monday 31 March 2014

Well, speed of light (c = 30,00,00,000 m/s ), is very well known to us. we've been accustomed to use its value, in many calculations , but thinking more, one question does arise; what is the speed of dark? Although "dark" as itself is not ruled out as a particle, like light does, but there is sufficient evidence to test its validity.

What is its speed?

Darkness travels at the speed of light. More accurately, darkness does not exist by itself as a unique physical entity, but is simply the absence of light. Any time you block out most of the light – for instance, by cupping your hands together – you get darkness. In the context of talking about speeds, darkness is what you get after the light stops coming, and therefore travels at the speed of light.

For instance, consider that you are in distant space, far from all light sources such as the sun, and you have on a light bulb on the nose of your space ship. The light from the light bulb is spreading out in all directions through space at the speed of light. If you briefly turn off your light bulb and then turn it back on, there is light traveling out in all directions from before you dimmed the bulb, and behind it there is light traveling in all directions from after you dimmed the bulb. But between the two spheres of light there is no light, because no light was created when the blub was briefly off. And no light means darkness. So there is a band of darkness in between the two spheres of light. Since both spheres of light are expanding outwards in all directions at the speed of light, the band of darkness between them must also be traveling at the speed of light. You can think of darkness as what you get right after the last bit of light arrives. Since the last bit of light travels at the speed of light, the state right after must also travel at the speed of light.

Logically, 'Dark' is faster than Light ...

There's an example to show that 'dark' is faster than light. Suppose, the sun suddenly disappeared, it would stop shining light on the earth and the earth would go dark. But it takes 8 minutes and 19 seconds for the light from the sun to reach earth. The last bit of light given off by the sun right before it disappeared would take 8 minutes and 19 seconds to reach us (and, that would mean 'dark' is faster than light), and the darkness that comes right after the last bit of light would also take 8 minutes and 19 seconds to reach us.  We on earth would not see the sun disappear from the sky until 8 minutes and 19 seconds after it had vanished.

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So, while watching the solar eclipse, or the lunar eclipse, for example, one might wonder, if there might be a point wherein all the planets and the sun, are in the same straight line, giving a MEGA ECLIPSE. Although this might sound real, let's see, if it is ....

Is it possible ?

The planets in our solar system never line up in one perfectly straight line like they show in the movies. If you look at a two-dimensional plot of the planets and their orbits on a piece of paper you may be lead to believe that all the planets will circle around to the same line eventually. In reality, the planets do not all orbit perfectly in the same plane. Instead, they swing about on different orbits in three dimensional space. For this reason, they will never be perfectly aligned. It’s like waiting for a swarm of flies circling your head to all line up. It is not going to happen. When astronomers use words like “planetary alignment”, they don’t mean a literal lining up. They just mean that some of the planets are in the same general region of the sky. And this type of “alignment” almost never happens to all the planets, but instead happens to two or three planets at one time.

Even if the planets did all align in a perfectly straight line, it would have negligible effects on the earth. Fictional and pseudo-science authors like to claim that a planetary alignment would mean that all of the gravitational fields of the planets add together to make something massive that interferes with life on earth. In truth, the gravitational pulls of the planets on earth are so weak that they have no significant effect on life on earth. There are only two solar system objects with enough gravity to significantly effect earth: the moon and the sun. The sun’s gravity is strong because the sun is so massive. The moon’s gravity is strong because the moon is so close. The sun’s gravity causes earth’s yearly orbit and therefore its seasons. The moon’s gravity is primarily responsible for the daily ocean tides. The near alignment of the sun and the moon does have an effect on earth, because their gravitational fields are so strong. This partial alignment occurs every full moon and new moon, and it leads to extra strong tides called “spring tides“. The word “spring” here refers to the fact that the water seems to leap up the shore with the extra strong tides every two weeks, and not that they occur only in the spring season.

So, which is the closest point of approach?

The closest that the eight planets will come to being aligned will occur on May 6, 2492. Additionally, the five planets Jupiter, Saturn, Mars, Venus and Mercury will be in the same part of the sky on 8 September 2040. While these partial alignments have no effect on earth, they can make for interesting nights for star gazers who know what to look for.

Furthermore, “planetary alignment” depends on your viewpoint. If three planets are in the same region of sky from earth’s point of view, they are not necessarily in the same region of sky form the sun’s point of view. Alignment is therefore an artifact of a viewpoint and not something fundamental about the planets themselves.

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Thursday 27 March 2014

Water could be the key to producing a cheaper, more environmentally friendly and less dangerous way of making the lithium-ion batteries that power so many everyday gadgets, researchers say.

Currently, rechargeable lithium-ion batteries are typically found in mobile devices such as cellphones, laptops and tablet computers, and increasingly used in hybrid and electric vehicles. "The application of lithium-ion batteries in electric vehicles is hindered by their high cost", researcher Jianlin Li told. Currently, more than 80 percent of the costs of making lithium-ion batteries are due to materials and the processing of those materials.

All batteries generate electricity by flowing electric current between two electrodes - a positively charged cathode and a negatively charged anode. Cathodes make up about 70 percent of the total cost of high-power batteries, and the organic solvent used to make the lithium ion battery cathodes, N-methylpyrrolidone or NMP, is expensive, toxic and generates flammable vapors. Making batteries with this solvent also requires expensive, explosion-proof processing equipment and costly solvent recovery and recycling system.

Instead of using NMP, the researchers say they can replace it with a system that uses water, which is much safer, greener and at least 150 times cheaper than the organic solvent.

Replacing NMP with water is tricky because the slurries, or fluids containing the materials used to make the battery's electrodes, behaves in very different ways if water is employed. For instance, water-based slurries are typocally not as good at coating the current collector, the material that gathers electric charge from the electrode."While it seems quite straight forward to substitute expensive and toxic NMP with water in battery manufacturing, it is very complicated and requires extensive knowledge in science and engineering to realize it", Li said.

Previous work could help scientists manufacture lithium-ion  battery anode using water. However, until now, no one has been successful with both anode and cathode.

Using this method, the researchers have created a battery that features excellent performance comparable to conventional batteries. Replacing NMP with water promises to reduce the overall costs of lithium-ion batteries by about one-eighth, and the whole process is much more environmentally benign. This allows the battery manufacturing more sustainable and affordable. 

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