Saturday 12 July 2014

Intelligent Phone Charger!

A Finnish inventor is trying to save the environment and prevent fire hazards by inventing the ASMO charger - The World's First Intelligent Phone Charger that switches off immediately once your smartphone is no longer charging.
The ASMO charger is a 3D-printed AC/DC charger that does not consume any standby power at all. When you plug the smart phone in, the charger uses a small amount of power from the smartphone battery to start the flow of energy.
Once the phone is charged, even if the charger is left plugged into the wall, it shuts itself down automatically and isolates itself from the electricity grid.

"Mobile phone chargers consume power, even if there is no phone connected to it. In one year, for every mobile charger you own, you pay for 8,000 watts of wasted energy, [Equivalent to keeping your laptop running for 260 hours or leaving your lights on for a month," the ASMO video states. 
"There are almost seven billion mobile phones in the world. By leaving mobile phone chargers on, we use the equivalent of two nuclear power plants or 25,000 wind power mills."

The charger comes with several different connectors, including the Apple 30-pin connector (iPhone 4S and below), the new lighting connector and Micro-USB (Suitable for most Android phones).

Users can also choose to buy either a US or EU 2-Prong plug design by pledging at least $29 on kick starter, but the ASMO charger does not come with the UK-standard 3 prongs design.
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