Friday 6 February 2015

Hendo Hover - World's First Hoverboard

All your dreams of moving around your city on a hoverboard like Marty McFly in Back to the Future Part II might just turn into a reality.

Husband and wife team Jill and Greg Henderson launched a Kickstarter campaign for their Hendo Hoverboard. But How does this Hoverboard work? Hendo Hoverboard uses a technology similar to that found in maglev trains, with opposing magnetic forces between the board and the surface providing the hovering capabilities. Specifically, it uses Magnetic Field Architecture (MFA) in four "hover engines" mounted under the board to enable it to float.

The use of magnetism means that rather than riding over a pavement, the board is currently restricted to levitating over a surface made of a non-ferromagnetic conductor, such as copper or aluminium. Also, the batteries in the current prototype are only good for less than 10 minutes of hover time and its very loud.

But Hendo Hover has achieved one of the main aims of Jill and Greg, which isn't primarily to create a hoverboard. Rather it's intended to draw attention to and demonstrate the technology behind it, which the Hendersons believe could eventually be used to make buildings better able to withstand earthquakes or floods by floating them out of harm's way.

The kickstarter campaign not only offers backers a Hendo Hover, but also a Whitebox Developer Kit designed to get the technology into the hands of the people, who after taking apart and playing with the engines, may find other uses or applications for it.

 The kit packs scaled-down versions of the four hover engines found on the board into a white box that can be steered left, right, forward and back via an iOS or Android mobile device. The box comes with a hover surface and is powered by a set of rechargeable LiPo batteries that give 12 to 15 minutes of hover from a two-hour charge.

 Even though Hendo Hover is not a versatile, its inventors have achieved their goal of demonstrating the technology and is the first steps in the technology of hoverboard.

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